Transition in the wind as shipping warms to alternative propulsion

Transition in the wind as shipping warms to alternative propulsion

In the light of the current scramble for alternative, low-carbon fuels that will take until the 2030s to substantially penetrate the maritime fuel mix, wind propulsion is gaining more attention from vessel owners and operators. Gavin Allwright, the secretary-general of the International Windship Association (IWSA), discusses the uptake of this technology and what is behind a spate of recent public…
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Cargo boat getting autonomous system to transit Long Island Sound

Cargo boat getting autonomous system to transit Long Island Sound

A hybrid-powered catamaran that carries produce and occasionally passengers across Long Island Sound is being retrofitted to become the first autonomous-controlled cargo vessel in the United States. First Harvest Navigation of Norwalk, Conn., has been using Captain Ben Moore to transport supplies between the company’s 4-year-old Harbor Harvest food market and a new store it opened on the waterfront in…
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