Towboat pinned at Ohio River lock, takes on water

1000w Q95

The following is the text of a news release from the U.S. Coast Guard:

(NEW ORLEANS) — The Unified Command is continuing its response to UTV Mike A. Nadicksbernd taking on water at Lock and Dam 52 on the Ohio River on Saturday.

The vessel has approximately 47,000 gallons of diesel on board. Salvage operations to remove the vessel from the lock wall have been completed. The vessel will be transported to dry dock for repairs.

The waterway is now open to vessel traffic.

The towing vessel allided with Lock and Dam 52 on Wednesday afternoon, and was pinned against the lock wall. The vessel then began taking on water in the engine room.

The vessel, owned by American Commercial Barge Line, was pushing 19 empty barges and one loaded with steel rods.

There are no reports of injuries or pollution.

The cause of the incident is under investigation.


(NEW ORLEANS) — A Unified Command has been established in response to UTV Mike A. Nadicksbernd taking on water at Lock and Dam 52 on the Ohio River on Thursday. 

The UC consists of the Coast Guard, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and American Commercial Barge Line. 

The vessel has approximately 47,000 gallons of diesel on board. A lightering operations plan has been submitted and is being reviewed for approval.

The waterway is closed from mile marker 937 to mile marker 941. The current queue is nine vessels upbound and six vessels downbound.

The towing vessel allided with Lock and Dam 52 on Wednesday afternoon and was pinned against the lock wall. The vessel then began taking on water in the engine room.

The vessel, owned by American Commercial Barge Line, was pushing 19 empty barges and one loaded with steel rods.

There are no reports of injuries or pollution.

The cause of the incident is under investigation.


(NEW ORLEANS) — The Coast Guard is responding to a towing vessel taking on water at Lock and Dam 52 on the Ohio River on Wednesday.

Coast Guard Sector Ohio Valley watch standers received a report that UTV Mike A. Nadicksbernd allided with Lock and Dam 52, pinning the vessel to the lock wall. The vessel then began taking on water in the engine room.

The vessel, owned by American Commercial Barge Lines, was pushing 19 empty barges and one loaded with steel rods. 

The vessel currently has approximately 4,700 gallons of diesel on board.

There are no reports of injuries or pollution.

The cause of the incident is under investigation.

By Professional Mariner Staff